Majestic Bridal Bouquet


This fabulous cascade bridal bouquet contains a beautiful collection of orchids, coveted for its elegance and beauty. The roses have a white color on the outside and a champagne or light pink color in the center. The stems are carefully placed in a bouquet holder accompanied by fresh foliage and white silk ribbon.

Lead Time & Delivery Recommendations
This bridal bouquet requires 7 days notice prior to delivery. We highly recommend having this product delivered two hours before the event to ensure your floral order is fresh at the time of use.

Would you like to customize your wedding bouquet even more?
No problem, just email us at and we will make sure to design the bouquet that you want!

Please carefully read the product description box below.


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  • Cymbidium orchids –  dendrobium orchids – Phalaenopsis –  grass – eucalyptus
  • Bouquet holder
Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation number. You can add notes to your order and indicate the desired delivery time on our checkout form. If you decide not receive your order personally please make the necessary arrangements with your Wedding Coordinator to have someone at the Resort or venue to receive your order correctly. Please confirm the delivery address and contact phone number on the checkout form, so that we have full delivery information.

Once your order has been confirmed, our Changes and Cancellations conditions will apply. For more information, please read our Terms and Conditions. To ensure your floral order is fresh at the time of use we suggest receiving them within two hours of their time of use. Our prices are constantly updated according to the availability of flowers and market prices. If you have any questions you may contact us directly via email:



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